Camara de Turismo Vuela Peru

Descubre la belleza y cultura de Perú con Vuela Perú

Sobre Nosotros

La Cámara de Turismo Vuela Perú promueve la cultura peruana en Argentina

woman in brown jacket standing on green grass field during daytime
woman in brown jacket standing on green grass field during daytime
people walking on street near concrete buildings
people walking on street near concrete buildings
a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers
a tree filled with lots of purple and green flowers


clear wine glass with yellow liquid
clear wine glass with yellow liquid

Fomentamos la preservación de la artesanía tradicional peruana


Descubre la deliciosa gastronomía peruana

woman in red dress sitting on rock formation near body of water during daytime
woman in red dress sitting on rock formation near body of water during daytime
brown house under stary night
brown house under stary night
Turismo Sostenible

Promovemos el turismo sostenible en Perú

Explora los hermosos paisajes naturales de Perú

Sumérgete en la rica cultura peruana
